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Number Field

The number-field component allows users to enter a number in a text field. It follows the native number field specification.

The component is not appropriate for values that only happen to consist of numbers but aren't strictly speaking a number, e.g. phone numbers or ZIP codes. Use the text-field component instead.

<script type="module">import '@vonage/vivid/number-field';</script>
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="Quantity"></vwc-number-field>



Add a label attribute to add label to the number field.
The label is important to help users understand what is needed. In case you choose not to add one, mind our accessibility notice.

  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="My Label"></vwc-number-field>


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Add a placeholder attribute to add placeholder text to the number field.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field placeholder="My Placeholder"></vwc-number-field>


  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Set the value attribute to set the default value for the number field. Setting the property on the element will not change the default value, but will change the value shown in the view as well as the submitted value in a form (imitating the native behavior).

Values always use the period (".") as the decimal separator, regardless of the user's locale. Only the value on the screen is localized.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="With default value" value="5"></vwc-number-field>

Value as Number

  • Type: number
  • Default: undefined

Use the valueAsNumber property to get or set the value as a number. If no valid value is entered in the field, the valueAsNumber is NaN.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="Quantity"></vwc-number-field>
<p>valueAsNumber: <span id="value"></span></p>
	function update() {
		document.getElementById('value').textContent =

	document.querySelector('vwc-number-field').addEventListener('input', update);


  • Type: number
  • Default: 1

Set the step attribute to change the step value for the number field.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="With step" step="0.1" value="1.5"></vwc-number-field>


  • Type: number | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Set the min attribute to set the minimum value for the number field.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="With minimum" min="100"></vwc-number-field>


  • Type: number | undefined
  • Default: undefined

Set the max attribute to set the maximum value for the number field.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="With maximum" max="2"></vwc-number-field>

Helper text

Add the helper-text to add some helper text below the number field. If you need to add HTML to the helper text, use the helper-text slot.

  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
	label="Helper text below"
	helper-text="Help text"

Success text

Add the success-text to add some success text below the number field. If provided, success-text will take precedence over errors.

  • Type: string | undefined
  • Default: undefined
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
	label="Valid value"
	success-text="Great success"


Use the shape attribute to change the number field's edges.

  • Type: 'rounded' | 'pill'
  • Default: 'rounded'
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="Pill" shape="pill"></vwc-number-field>
<vwc-number-field label="Rounded" shape="rounded"></vwc-number-field>


Set the appearance attribute to change the number filed's appearance.

  • Type: 'fieldset' | 'ghost'
  • Default: 'fieldset'

('ghost' is typically used within a composition such as action group / toolbar).

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->


Add the disabled attribute to disable the number field.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->


Add the readonly attribute to restrict user from changing the number field's value.

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->



The helper-text slot allows you to use rich content as the number field's helper text.

Example showing a link in the helper text:

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-number-field label="Timeout">
	<span slot="helper-text"
		>The timeout in seconds. <a href="#">Guide to setting timeouts</a></span


Name Type Bubbles Composed Description
input CustomEvent<undefined> Yes Yes Fires a custom 'input' event when the value has changed
change CustomEvent<undefined> Yes Yes Fires a custom 'change' event when the value has changed


Name Returns Description
stepUp void Increase value by step (1 if step is not set)
stepDown void Decrease value by step (1 if step is not set)


  • If no label is set - it is highly recommended that aria-label will be added.
  • The add / subtract buttons are automatically given a localized version of the words "Increment" and "Decrement" respectively. These can be overriden using increment-button-aria-label and decrement-button-aria-label.
	aria-label="choose a number"

Known issues

  • Constraint validation with minlength and maxlength is not supported.