Buttons trigger an action, such as submitting a form, closing a dialog, or navigating to a new page.
The label
attribute controls button's label text.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <vwc-button label="Button Text"></vwc-button>
The appearance
attribute controls the style of button displayed.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button appearance="filled" label="Filled"></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined" label="Outlined"></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined-light" label="Outlined Light"></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="ghost" label="Ghost"></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="ghost-light" label="Ghost Light"></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The outlined-light
and ghost-light
appearances are the same as outlined
and ghost
except their background colours have opacity when hovered.
The connotation
attribute controls the purpose of the button, expressed in it's colours.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button connotation="accent" appearance="filled" label="Accent" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="accent" appearance="outlined" label="Accent" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="accent" appearance="outlined-light" label="Accent" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="accent" appearance="ghost" label="Accent" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="accent" appearance="ghost-light" label="Accent" ></vwc-button> </div> <div class="container"> <vwc-button connotation="cta" appearance="filled" label="CTA"></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="cta" appearance="outlined" label="CTA"></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="cta" appearance="outlined-light" label="CTA" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="cta" appearance="ghost" label="CTA"></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="cta" appearance="ghost-light" label="CTA" ></vwc-button> </div> <div class="container"> <vwc-button connotation="announcement" appearance="filled" label="Announcement" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="announcement" appearance="outlined" label="Announcement" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="announcement" appearance="outlined-light" label="Announcement" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="announcement" appearance="ghost" label="Announcement" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="announcement" appearance="ghost-light" label="Announcement" ></vwc-button> </div> <div class="container"> <vwc-button connotation="success" appearance="filled" label="Success" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="success" appearance="outlined" label="Success" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="success" appearance="outlined-light" label="Success" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="success" appearance="ghost" label="Success" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="success" appearance="ghost-light" label="Success" ></vwc-button> </div> <div class="container"> <vwc-button connotation="alert" appearance="filled" label="Alert" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="alert" appearance="outlined" label="Alert" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="alert" appearance="outlined-light" label="Alert" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="alert" appearance="ghost" label="Alert"></vwc-button> <vwc-button connotation="alert" appearance="ghost-light" label="Alert" ></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; flex-basis: 100%; width: 100%; gap: 8px; margin-block-end: 16px; } </style>
The icon
attribute displays an icon from the icon library, which can be displayed on the leading (default) or trailing side (icon-trailing
) of the button.
Custom icons can be provided using the icon slot.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button appearance="outlined" label="Copy document" icon="copy-line" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined" label="Continue" icon="chevron-right-line" icon-trailing ></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
If the label
is omitted, the button will be displayed as an icon-only button.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <vwc-tooltip text="Send Message" placement="right-start"> <vwc-button slot="anchor" appearance="filled" connotation="cta" icon="message-sent-line" aria-label="Send Message" ></vwc-button> </vwc-tooltip>
When using an icon, the stacked
attribute causes the button to be displayed in a stacked format. This layout is only available with the 'rounded' shape.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button stacked icon="compose-line" appearance="filled" label="Leading" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button stacked icon="compose-line" appearance="filled" label="Trailing" icon-trailing ></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The size
attribute controls the size of the button.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button size="super-condensed" appearance="filled" label="Super-condensed" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button size="condensed" appearance="filled" label="Condensed" ></vwc-button> <vwc-button size="normal" appearance="filled" label="Normal"></vwc-button> <vwc-button size="expanded" appearance="filled" label="Expanded"></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The shape
attribute controls the shape of the button.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button appearance="filled" label="Rounded shape"></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="filled" label="Pill shape" shape="pill"></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The pending
attribute triggers the pending state, which indicates that the action is being processed.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button icon="compose-line" appearance="filled" label="Pending" pending ></vwc-button> <vwc-button icon="compose-line" appearance="outlined" label="Pending" pending ></vwc-button> <vwc-button icon="compose-line" appearance="ghost" label="Pending" pending ></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The spinner is not displayed when using the super-condensed
The disabled
attribute disables the buttons and indicates that the action is not available.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button appearance="filled" label="Disabled" disabled></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined" label="Disabled" disabled></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="ghost" label="Disabled" disabled></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
The active
attribute causes the button to appear in its active state. Use it to indicate that the action was triggered by some other means.
Do not use this attribute to indicate a selected or pressed state.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <div class="container"> <vwc-button appearance="filled" label="Active" active></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined" label="Active" active></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="outlined-light" label="Active" active></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="ghost" label="Active" active></vwc-button> <vwc-button appearance="ghost-light" label="Active" active></vwc-button> </div> <style> .container { display: flex; gap: 16px; } </style>
When the button is used to trigger a menu / dropdown, you can set dropdown-indicator
to add a chevron to the button.
<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. --> <vwc-menu trigger="auto" auto-dismiss placement="bottom-start"> <vwc-button slot="anchor" appearance="outlined-light" label="Menu" dropdown-indicator ></vwc-button> <vwc-menu-item icon="copy-line" text="Copy"></vwc-menu-item> <vwc-menu-item icon="inbox-line" text="Share"></vwc-menu-item> <vwc-menu-item icon="delete-line" text="Archive"></vwc-menu-item> </vwc-menu>
When setting dropdown-indicator
the Button's content alignment changes from center to start. You can change it back to center using --button-content-alignment
CSS variable