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Accordion is an interactive element that works alongside Accordion Item to organise and display content in a collapsible and expandable way.

Alternative Expanded Indicators

The example below uses the icon and icon-trailing attributes to replace the chevron indicators with plus and minus icons.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-accordion id="icon-accordion" expand-mode="multi">
		heading="Accordion item 1"
		This is the first item's accordion body.
	<vwc-accordion-item icon-trailing icon="plus-line" heading="Accordion item 2">
		This is the second item's accordion body.

	document.getElementById('icon-accordion').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
		const iconName ='icon');
		if (iconName === null) return;
		iconName === 'minus-line'
			?'icon', 'plus-line')
			:'icon', 'minus-line');

Single Accordion Items

The example below shows how a single Accordion Item can be used inside an Action Group component (which provides the border) to create a stand alone expandable section of content.

<!-- Feel free to edit the code below. The live preview will update as you make changes. -->
<vwc-action-group class="action-group">
	<vwc-accordion-item class="accordion-item" heading="Expandable Section">
		This is the content for the expandable section.

	.accordion-item {
		display: block;
		inline-size: 100%;